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The "Administrators" module is designed for creating and managing administrators.


An administrator is a user who can add, update, and edit information on the website or in the mobile application.

Key Interface Elements

1. Logout from All Accounts Button

The first element on the "Administrators" page is the logout from all accounts button. When you click this button, you will be logged out of your account and redirected to the login page.

2. List of Administrators

The list of administrators is presented in a table with two columns:

  1. Administrators - this column displays the login of the created administrator
  2. Actions - contains the edit button and, if you have the rights, the delete button for the administrator:


Edit - opens the administrator profile editing page


Delete - opens a modal window for action confirmation

Deleting Administrators

You cannot delete the administrator you are currently logged in as. You also cannot delete the main administrator, who is created when the project is created.

You also have the option to move administrators in the table using this button:


3. Administrator Creation Form

The administrator creation form contains three text fields:

  1. Login - a text input field where you need to specify a unique name for the administrator
  2. Email - a text input field where you need to specify the administrator's email
  3. Password - a text input field for the password
