To integrate third-party services, it is necessary to create and configure collections.
Creating a Collection
To create a collection, go to the "Integration Collections" section in the left menu. This section contains a form for creating a new collection and a list of already existing collections.
To create a collection, fill out the form by specifying:
- Name - A non-unique string that is used in the system interface to identify the collection. Name it in a way that makes it convenient for you to work with.
- Token - A unique string that is used within the code of your application.
After filling out the form, click the "Add" button. If all data is filled out correctly, the collection will be added to the general list of collections.
Configuring a Collection
You can go to the collection settings by clicking the edit icon on the selected collection in the list.
Then, open the settings tab.
In the settings, you can change the name and token of the collection, as well as modify the form.
If you opened the settings of a newly created collection, the form settings block will be empty. Since these settings are mandatory, they must be filled out for the integration collections mechanism to work correctly.
First, create a form of type "For Collections". Pass the attribute with the necessary set of data to this form. For example, the attribute may contain the username, their address, delivery type, delivery comments, etc. If everything is done correctly, the changes will be saved automatically, and the collection will be ready for use.