The "Journal" module in Headless CMS OneEntry allows users to track actions taken by administrators in the system.
This module has flexible filtering and sorting options, making it easy to find and monitor completed actions.
Interface Elements
This module consists of two blocks:
- Filters
- Action List
The following fields are available for filtering actions:
- From - a text input field for the date from which actions need to be filtered
- To - a text input field for the date until which actions need to be filtered
Dates can be entered as a string in your region's date format, or you can select the required date using the calendar that appears when clicking on the date input field.
- Administrator ID - a numeric input field for the unique identifier of the administrator for whom you want to apply filtering
- User actions - a dropdown field for user actions. The following actions are available:
- Creation
- Modification
- Deletion
- Status - a dropdown field for action statuses. The following statuses are available:
- Successful
- Error
- Module name - a dropdown field for module names to filter by. The following modules are available:
- Administrators
- Sets of attributes
- Backup
- Managing blocks
- Event management
- General settings
- Uploading files
- File editor
- Managing forms
- Localization
- Markers
- Menu
- Modules
- Content management
- Products
- Order management
- Basic settings
- Payment management
- Product status management
- Authentication providers and users management
- Template management
- Preview template management
- Record ID - a numeric input field for the unique identifier of the record (action) for which you want to apply filtering
There is also a Reset button in the filtering module that resets the applied filters.
Action List
The action list is presented in a table with six columns:
- User actions
- Status
- User login
- Module name
- Record ID
- Date and time
For each column, there is an option to sort the data by clicking on the column header. The first click will sort the data in descending order, the second click will sort it in ascending order, and the third click will reset the sorting.