Templates help change the structure and appearance of your project without altering its source code. Components can be initially described in your project's code and marked with templates created in OneEntry Headless CMS. They can differ in design solutions, behavior, etc. By switching templates, you can influence the operation of your entities, whether it's a page, block, form, etc.
To start working with templates, open the "Settings" section and then go to the "Templates" subsection. In this section, there is a list of already created templates, as well as a form for creating new ones.
In the creation form, specify:
- Name - Non-unique string.
- Marker - Unique string.
- Type - Type of entity from the list to which the template can be applied.
After filling in, click the "Create" button.
Templates differ by the type of entity to which they can be added.
Thus, all templates are divided into the following types:
- For a block of similar products
- For a regular block
- For error pages
- For regular pages
- For product pages
- For catalog pages
- For forms
- For orders
Select the template you want to configure from the general list and click on the gear icon to enter edit mode.
You can change:
- Name - Non-unique string.
- Marker - Unique string.
- Type - Type of entity from the list to which the template can be applied.
Select the template you want to delete from the general list and click on the delete icon to enter edit mode. Confirm the action in the dialog box.