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Event Editing

Editing an event consists of three tabs:

  • Conditions
  • Attributes
  • Settings


The "Conditions" tab contains input fields for editing the event. These are the main event data: Name and

and conditions.


You need to select a module for defining the condition for sending the event. The following modules are available:

  • catalog
  • forms
  • orders
  • users

Conditions for the catalog module

For the "catalog" module, in the "type" field, you can choose filtering by statuses, then select a specific status, thus subscribing to the event of changes in the catalog items' status, or you can subscribe to the event by attribute sets and select a specific attribute.

Conditions for the forms module

For the "forms" module, you need to select the type of form to which the event should be added. The following options are available:

  • Registration
  • Send Code
  • Change Password
  • Submit form data

For "Submit form data," you need to select a form (from forms of type "Data submission") and the attribute you added for the email (this subscription will not apply to other attributes). When the form is submitted, the data is sent to the email address specified in this attribute. More details about forms are provided in the Forms section.

Conditions for the orders module

For the "orders" module, you need to select a specific order storage and status in the filtering fields that appear, to which the event will be tied.

Conditions for the users module

For the "users" module, you need to select filtering by attribute sets and choose a specific attribute, to which the event will be tied.

Notification Method

For all modules except "forms," you have the option to choose how to send the event notification. In Headless CMS OneEntry, there are three methods:

  1. Push Notification - via push notifications
  2. Email - distribution via email
  3. Socket IO - using websockets. This method is needed for subscribing to certain events. For example, you can create price change events and notify users about it using Socket IO.

Who to Notify

For the "catalog" module, you can select users who will receive notifications about the event. You can send notifications to all users of your

, or to a group of users.

Notification Frequency

For events from the "catalog" and "users" modules, you can choose how often to send notifications: once per event, or every time.


The "Attributes" tab contains a dropdown list for selecting a Set of Attributes.

After selecting a set of attributes, you need to fill in the values. In our case, this is the attribute "event_send_date," which has the type "Date and Time," and the attribute "event_desc" with the type "String."

You can use these attributes on the "Settings" tab to create a message template. They will be displayed by the key "event": {{ event.attribute_marker }}


The "Settings" tab contains two text input fields for creating a message template that users of your

will receive.

Available Variables

You can also use variables for your notification. A list of available variables is presented below the notification template input fields.
