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The "Events" module allows you to create and edit events, through which you can interact with the users of your system. In this module, you select an event that the system will respond to and send notifications to the users of your system. For example, you have statuses for catalog items "In stock" and "Out of stock," and you want to send users a notification about the status change from "Out of stock" to "In stock":

In the Headless CMS OneEntry, there are three ways to interact with the users of your system through the "Events" module:

  1. Push Notification
  2. Email
  3. Socket IO

More details about them will be provided in the chapter on editing events.

Main Interface Elements of the Events Module

1. Control Buttons

  • Additional settings. Allows you to configure the email address from which users of your

    will receive emails and connect Firebase for push notifications.

2. Event List

Displays all created events. Each row in the list corresponds to one event and contains information about the event name and an actions column. The following actions are available for events:


Configure - opens the event editing page.


Delete - removes events from the events table.

3. New Event Creation Form

The event creation form contains two input fields:

  • Name - a required field where you must enter the event name;
  • Marker - a required field where you must enter a unique
    for the event (only Latin letters and the symbols "_" and "-" are allowed for input);

and an "Add" button, which adds the created event if the data in the Name and Marker input fields is valid.
