Product Links
On the "Links" tab of products, you can establish links for
Main Interface Elements
1. List of Created Links
The list of created links is presented in a table consisting of three columns:
- "Name" - the name of the link
- "Marker" - a unique Markerof the link
- "Actions" - actions available for each link. The following actions are presented:
Hide - hides the link from users of your site or application but does not delete it from the admin panel.
Edit - opens the link editing page.
Delete - removes the link.
2. Link Creation Form
The link creation form contains two input fields:
- "Name" - a required field where you must enter the name of the link;
- "Marker" - a required field where you must enter a unique Markerof the link (only Latin letters and the symbols "_" and "-" are allowed for input);
and an "Add" button, which adds the created link if the data in the "Name" and "Marker" input fields is valid.
Editing a Created Link
When you click the "Edit" button, the link editing page opens. This page consists of the following blocks:
- Editing the "Name" field
- Editing the "Marker" field
- Creating conditions for the link
- List of added conditions
- List of found catalog items based on the specified conditions
Creating Conditions for the Link
The block for creating conditions for the link contains three input fields:
- "Attribute" - a dropdown list allowing you to select an attribute from all created sets of catalog item attributes to be searched.
- "Condition" - a dropdown list allowing you to select a condition for the search. Available filters:
- contains
- does not contain
- equal to
- not equal to
- more
- less
- contains any value
- does not contain a value
- NaN
- the same value as the selected attribute
- "Value" - an input field where you must enter the value for which the condition will be created.
- "Categories" - necessary for selecting pagesof type Catalog, where the search will be conducted based on the specified condition. It contains an input field for quick search ofpagesand a list of allpages. If nothing is selected, the search will be conducted across allpagesof type Catalog.
- Buttons:
- "Add" - adds the condition
- "Reset" - resets the current data in the link creation conditions block
- "Reset all" - resets the current data in the link creation conditions block and removes all previously created conditions
List of Added Conditions
After you add a condition, the added condition will be displayed in the table below the condition addition form. This table consists of 6 columns:
- Attribute - contains the name of the attribute and Marker
- Condition - contains the condition based on which the attribute was selected
- Value - contains the value based on which the attribute was selected
- Category - contains the categories based on which the attribute was selected
- Products found - contains the number of found attributes based on the specified condition
- Content language code (short) - contains information about the content language for this attribute
For each row in the added conditions table, there is a button to delete the added condition:

Below the table of added conditions, there is a "Show found" button that displays the list of catalog items that meet the specified condition.
At the very bottom of the page, there are two buttons:
- "Save" - saves the created link but keeps it hidden. When you click this button, you will save the link and remain on the link editing page.
- "Save and activate" - saves and activates the created link, i.e., makes it visible within your system. When you click this button, you will save the link, activate it, and be redirected to the Product Links page, with a list of created links.
Catalog items can fall under multiple links; they do not exclude each other. For example, if you have a link for all black phones and for all white phones, both black and white phones will be displayed on the "Links and Cross-Sells" tab.
Multiple conditions can be added for one link; this should be taken into account because, unlike the links themselves, conditions for one link are mutually exclusive.