Catalog Items
The "Products" tab is the basic tab of the "Catalog" module. Here you can create catalogs
Main Interface Elements
1. Search Bar
Allows you to quickly find
2. Block List
Displays all created catalogs. It has a tree-like representation system, i.e., each catalog is a dropdown list containing
The catalog table consists of two columns:
- "Page name"
- "Actions"
"Page name" contains the name of the page with the type "For catalog page" and for non-empty catalogs, a button to expand the dropdown list of items in a specific catalog:

In the "Actions" column, the actions available for each catalog are displayed:
Configure - opens a modal window where you can set the number of rows for one page
and the number of items for one row.
Add - opens the page to add an item to the catalog.
You also have the option to move catalogs in the table using this button:

3. Checkbox for Mass Removal of Products in Categories
This checkbox is used to delete all
This action does not delete the catalog itself, only all its items.
Catalog Items
To see all catalog items, you need to click the button:

In the first line, you will see:
- A checkbox to select all items of a specific catalog
- "Highlighted" - the number of selected items
- "Total" - the total number of items in the catalog
- An input field with a dropdown list for sorting catalog items. The following sorting options are available: by ID, name, date, price. This sorting applies only within Headless CMS OneEntry and does not affect the display of catalog items on your site
- A button for sorting options - in ascending or descending order
As you may have noticed, when you click the "Select all" checkbox, an input field with a dropdown list appears to the right of the item count information in the catalog. In this field, you can select an action for the selected catalog items.
The following actions are available:
Delete selected - opens a modal window for deleting the selected catalog items
Move to category - opens a modal window for moving the selected catalog items to another catalog
Delete all products - opens a modal window for deleting the selected items in the current catalog
NoteThis action will delete all items in the current catalog, regardless of how many items are selected; all will be deleted.
Change status - opens a modal window to select a status for the selected items in the current catalog
Also, for each catalog item, there are actions in the "Actions" column:
Hide - hides the item from users of your site or application but does not delete it from the admin panel.
Edit - opens the page for editing the catalog item.
Change status - opens a modal window to select a status for the selected items in the current catalog.
Copy - creates a copy of the catalog item.
"Fix the position" - locks the catalog item in its current position, making it unavailable for movement using the "Moving" button
Delete - removes the item from the catalog