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Node http in

The http in node is used to create HTTP endpoints that can handle incoming HTTP requests (GET, POST, PUT, and others). This node serves as the entry point for interacting with external systems via the HTTP protocol.

Important: All specified paths automatically receive the prefix: /api/admin/workflows/endpoints/.

Settings for the http in node


1. Name

Field for specifying the name of the node.
The name is displayed in the workspace and helps easily identify the node.
If left empty, the node will be called http in.


  • Node name: get payment link

2. Method

The HTTP method that the node will handle. The following options are available:

  • GET: Used for retrieving data.
  • POST: Used for sending data.
  • PUT: Used for updating data.
  • DELETE: Used for deleting data.
  • PATCH: Used for partially updating data.
  • OPTIONS: Used for requests to obtain metadata about the API.

Specifies the path (endpoint) for handling requests.

  • The path starts with /.
  • It can include route parameters, for example: /data/:id.


  • Link: /get-payment-link
  • Link with parameter: /get-payment-link/:orderId

Format of the incoming message

When a request arrives at the specified path with the selected method, the http in node creates a msg with the following properties:

  • msg.req: Contains the HTTP request object, including headers, parameters, body, and other data.
    • msg.req.params: Route parameters (e.g., :id in /api/data/:id).
    • msg.req.query: GET request parameters.
    • msg.req.body: Request body (for POST, PUT, and PATCH methods).
  • msg.res: An object for managing the HTTP response. Typically passed to the http response node to send a response to the client.

Example usage

Example 1: Handling a GET request

Scenario: Returning temperature data.

Node settings:

  • Method: GET
  • Link: /temperature


[http in] ---> [function] ---> [http response]

Function node code:

msg.payload = { temperature: 22.5, unit: "Celsius" };
return msg;

Result: The client that sends a GET request to /api/admin/workflows/endpoints/temperature will receive a JSON response:

"temperature": 22.5,
"unit": "Celsius"

Example 2: Handling a POST request

Scenario: Receiving and saving data from a device.

Node settings:

  • Method: POST
  • Link: /data


[http in] ---> [function] ---> [http response]

Function node code:

// Reading data from the request body
const data = msg.req.body;
msg.payload = { status: "success", receivedData: data };
return msg;

Result: The node will accept data from the POST request body and return a confirmation response.

Example 3: Using route parameters

Scenario: Retrieving data by device ID.

Node settings:

  • Method: GET
  • Link: /device/:id


[http in] ---> [function] ---> [http response]

Function node code:

const deviceId =;
msg.payload = { deviceId: deviceId, status: "active" };
return msg;


"deviceId": "123",
"status": "active"