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Node http response

The http response node is used to send HTTP responses to requests processed by the http in node. It completes the request processing cycle and sends data back to the client.

Settings for the http response node


1. Name

A field for specifying the name of the node.
The name is displayed in the workspace and helps easily identify the node.
If left empty, the node will be called http response.


  • Node name: Send JSON Response

Fields defined by the incoming message (msg)

The http response node uses the msg object passed to it as input to form the HTTP response. Here are the main parameters:

  1. msg.payload
    The content of the response. It is sent to the client in the body of the response.


    • To send text:
      msg.payload = "Hello, World!";
    • For a JSON response:
      msg.payload = { status: "ok", value: 42 };

  1. msg.statusCode
    The HTTP status code of the response. If this field is not specified, 200 OK is used by default.

    Examples of status codes:

    • 200 — Success.
    • 201 — Resource created successfully.
    • 400 — Client error.
    • 404 — Resource not found.
    • 500 — Internal server error.


    msg.statusCode = 404; // Resource not found

  1. msg.headers
    An object defining the HTTP response headers. It allows specifying, for example, content type, caching, or custom headers.


    msg.headers = {
    "Content-Type": "application/json",
    "Cache-Control": "no-cache"

Usage Examples

Example 1: Sending a successful JSON response


[http in] ---> [function] ---> [http response]

Code for the function node:

msg.payload = { success: true, message: "Request processed successfully" };
msg.statusCode = 200;
msg.headers = { "Content-Type": "application/json" };
return msg;

The client will receive the response:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

"success": true,
"message": "Request processed successfully"

Example 2: Handling an error


[http in] ---> [function] ---> [http response]

Code for the function node:

msg.payload = { error: "Invalid request parameters" };
msg.statusCode = 400;
msg.headers = { "Content-Type": "application/json" };
return msg;

The client will receive the response:

HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
Content-Type: application/json

"error": "Invalid request parameters"

Example 3: Empty response with a custom status


[http in] ---> [http response]

Code in the function node before the http response node:

msg.payload = null; // Empty response body
msg.statusCode = 204; // No content
return msg;

The client will receive the response:

HTTP/1.1 204 No Content